Advertising Information

Give your business more exposure!

Suriname360’s target audience includes visitors from both inside as well as outside of Suriname. The main target of course are visitors outside of Suriname, and more specifically, potential tourists planning to visit Suriname in the near future. Suriname360 offers you unique new ways to reach these potential customers through advertising.

Apart from the obvious benefits for yourself, you also help support the work that’s being done on suriname360 by advertising on this website. All the advertising revenue is invested back into the website to make even more exciting visuals in order to give Suriname more great exposure on the Internet. The companies that are listed in the “Sponsored” sections on this website all contribute in one way or another into making suriname360 a success.

The Palmtree Garden (Palmentuin) in Paramaribo

The Palmtree Garden (Palmentuin) in Paramaribo

Advertising Possibilities

There are several options for advertising on suriname360, ranging from standard text or image (banner) ads to more creative and unique options:

Text Ads

You can place text ads on suriname360 including a small image that appears next to your text. There are two areas on the website where these ads appear:

  1. Topleft (usually right next to the panoramas) – Price: € 150,- a month.
  2. Midleft (usually next to comments from visitors or latest publications) – Price: € 100,- a month
Ad Positions

Ad Positions: 1 – Topleft Area, 2 – Midleft Area

If you want to have your ad appear in both the above mentioned locations the price is € 200,- a month. This will give your ad more exposure.

The requirements for delivering your text ad are as follows:

  1. Submit a title for your ad with a maximum length of 25 characters including spaces.
  2. Submit the text for your ad with a maximum length of 100 characters including spaces.
  3. Submit an image of 60 x 60 pixels to go with your text. It’s recommended to use the PNG image format and make use of transparency to have your ad blend in with the rest of the site and look more professional. Do NOT submit images with compression artifacts.
  4. Submit the URL that your ad should link to.
Textad Sample

Text ad Sample

Image Ads (Banners)

You can place image ads (banners) on suriname360. There are two areas on the website where these ads appear:

  1. Topleft (usually right next to the panoramas) – Price: € 200,- a month.
  2. Midleft (usually next to comments from visitors or latest publications) – Price: € 150,- a month.

If you want to have your ad appear in both the above mentioned locations the price is € 300,- a month. This will give your ad more exposure.

The requirements for delivering your image ad are as follows:

  1. Submit a title for your ad with a maximum length of 60 characters including spaces. This title will only appear when visitors hover their mouse pointer over your ad.
  2. Submit an image with a width of 190 pixels and a maximum height of 210 pixels. Images with a height of less than 210 pixels are allowed (so for example, an image of 190 x 210 pixels and an image of 190 x 100 pixels are both acceptable). It’s recommended to use the PNG image format and make use of transparency to have your ad blend in with the rest of the site and look more professional. Do NOT submit images with compression artifacts.
  3. Submit the URL that your ad should link to.

Panorama Ads

It’s possible to embed your ads inside panoramas on suriname360. There are a couple of options for this:

  1. You can include your logo with a short message in the top-right corner of a specific panorama so that it is always visible, just like the suriname360 logo in the top-left corner. When clicking on your logo the user will be presented with an image with your message and/or directed to an URL of your choice.
  2. If your building or facilities are featured in a panorama, you can include dynamic text, images and even videos on billboards, TV screens, posters etc. It’s possible to have the user interact with them as well. Take a look at the virtual tour for Beauty and Home Systems Inc. for an example. Read here for more information about getting a panorama of your own facilities on suriname360.
  3. Skywriting: How about writing your message against the sky in one of the panoramas and really impress everyone? Click here for an example.

These are just a few options, but as you can imagine, we’re only limited here by our imagination and budgets.


Use the contact page to request more information and/or an estimate, or to discuss further details.


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Latest Publications

Tour of the Paramaribo Zoo

Paramaribo Zoo

This virtual tour will take you through the Paramaribo Zoo located at the Letitia Vriesdelaan (formerly Cultuurtuinlaan), not too far from the city. The Paramaribo Zoo was founded in 1966 by Prime Minister Pengel and was officially opened in 1972. There are approximately 88 different animal species to see at the zoo, most of …

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Embed a virtual tour of Suriname on your own website

Planet Paramaribo as seen from the Wyndham Garden Hotel

It is now possible to embed a select few number of virtual tours of places in Suriname on your own website completely free of charge. If you have a website about Suriname, or maybe just a page on your website where you have some information about Suriname, embedding a virtual …

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J. A. Wijdenbosch Bridge at Night

Night View from the J.A. Wijdenbosch Bridge

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Leaders Group Conference Facilities

Leaders Group Conference Facilities

Welcome to the Leaders Group conference room. Leaders Group exploits the most modern and advanced conference facilities in Suriname. Making use of highly advanced conference technology and comfortable surroundings, Leaders Group guarantees professional and convenient completion of conferences and/or special occasions such as workshops, business presentations, receptions, teach-ins, business parties, weddings or birthdays. Skilled staff …

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Don Dion Shoe Store

Don Dion

Don Dion is a shoe store located at the Hermitage Mall in Paramaribo, Suriname. Don Dion has a wide selection of footwear from casual to fashionable for men and women featuring top brands such as Naturalizer, Life Stride, Dr. Scholl’s, Sӧfft, Softspots, Osgood Marley, Mark Fisher and more. Don Dion also sells customized orthopedic …

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